Our Supporters

We are very grateful to all the supporters and local sponsors who have contributed to the West Lothian 50+ Network in a number of different ways. We thank them for their financial support, their in-kind contributions and their donations of items for a wide range of individual events and activities.

We also very much appreciate the support from those Funders and Trusts who have provided the West Lothian 50+ Network with core funding for our team – our Members Support Officers staffing our members’ hub and providing administrative support to the charity; a Development Officer to help grow our Network, and our Manager; overseeing our new premises and the delivery of our activities.

Allen Lane Foundation

Arnold Clark Community Fund

ASDA Community Foundation

Baillie Gifford Community Fund

Bank of Scotland Foundation

Binks Trust

Capricorn Energy

GVC Fund

Impact Funding Partners – Social Isolation and Loneliness Fund

Foundation Scotland

Murdoch Forrest Charitable Trust

M&G Prudential Community Fund

PF Charitable Trust

Ross and Liddell Community Bursary

Scottish Government – Communities Mental Health + Wellbeing Fund

Tesco – Community Grant

Thistledown Trust

The Albert Hunt Trust

The Basil Death Trust

The Conundrum Trust

The Hugh Fraser Foundation

The JTH Charitable Trust

The Lady Marian Gibson Trust

The Nancie Massey Charitable Trust

The National Lottery Community Fund – Awards For All

The Robertson Trust

The Row Fogo Charitable Trust

The Souter Charitable Trust

The Stafford Trust

The Walker-Shoolbraid Charitable Trust

West Lothian Council – Pensioners Christmas Fund

West Lothian Council – Third Sector Community Support Fund

Bathgate Partnership Centre

Co-op Whitburn

Enterprising Bathgate


Linlithgow Round Table

Livingston Round Table

Morrisons – Bathgate

Scotmid Local Giving

Sky Communities Programme

Tesco – Bathgate

The Original Factory Shop Bathgate

West Lothian Bike Library

Cllr Alison Adamson

Cllr Andrew Miller

Cllr Anne McMillan

Cllr Cathy Muldoon

Cllr Damian Doran-Timson

Cllr Danny Logue

Cllr Diane Calder

Cllr Harry Cartmill

Cllr Kirsteen Sullivan

Cllr Maria MacAulay

Cllr Mary Dickson

Cllr Pauline Orr

Cllr Sally Pattle

Cllr Tony Pearson