
A number of events are well-established in  the Network’s Calendar.  These include dinners, socials and musical evenings. Our annual craft fair and coffee morning is an important fund raiser for the Network, as is our annual Thrift Shop. Our monthly weekend coach trips, when we visit a wide range of places of interest, are very popular.  We look forward each year to our Christmas Party and Network Choir Carol Concert, and on the third Saturday of the month our Members’ Meeting is a chance for members to get together for an update on new activities and Network business.

calendar, date, time

Members' Meetings

Taking place on the third Saturday of the month, these meetings provide the opportunity to get together with other members and committee members to socialise and be updated on new activities and Network business.

Coffee/tea and biscuits are available.

An external speaker is arranged to address the meeting on a range of topics of general interest. Details of speakers can be found for each event on the Events section of our facebook page.

Minutes are produced and sent to all members.

Raffle tickets are sold for funds – donations for the raffle are always welcome.

Daffodil Tea

Our Daffodil Tea takes place in March and is an opportunity to welcome in the Spring and get out the best china

coffee, coffee cup, cake

Coffee Morning and Craft Fair

The Network’s annual Coffee Morning and Craft Fair replaces the normal monthly members’ meeting in October and is an important fundraiser for the Network. Our “crafty” members work on items that can be sold at the fair. And those who love baking lend a hand too.

piano, melody, classic

Network Choir Carol Concert

The Network Singers sing in local residential care homes and at some West Lothian 50+ Network functions, as well as having a Carol Concert at Christmas for Network members.

gifts, surprise, made

Christmas Party

Our annual members Christmas Party takes place in December. There’s musical entertainment, dancing and party games, and of course, a generous spread of food.

club sandwich, fast food, snack

Group Leaders Lunch

It has become a tradition for the Committee to show their appreciation of the work put in by all the Group leaders throughout the year by inviting them to a lunch. This usually takes place in January.